Haemophilia: Recent history of clinical management

Haemophilia: Recent history of clinical management

Scientists, haematologists, carers and haemophiliacs themselves discussed the changes in the treatment and clinical management of haemophilia over the past 50 years and highlighted important events, such as the extraordinary situation in which triplet siblings frequently received life-saving transfusions from their mother; the preparation and isolation of factor VIII by Ethel Bidwell; and how, even today, the spectre of contamination of blood products haunts haemophiliacs. Participants include: Professor Christine Lee (Chair), Dr Ethel Bidwell, Dr David Evans, Professor Ilsley Ingram, Dr Peter Jones, Dr Charles Rizza, Mr Clifford Welch. Introduction by E M Tansey, v, 90pp, 8 illustrations, 1 chart, 1 diagram, glossary, subject and name index.

Tansey E M, Christie D A. (eds) (1999)
Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 4. London: The Wellcome Trust.

ISBN 978 184129 0089
